630 South Eisenhower
Junction City, Kansas
Church Phone: 785-238-6007
Pastor: Rev George Timothy "Tim" McCall
Church Office Secretary: Marilyn S.
Church Office Hours: M-F 8 to 12
Early Childhood Center Director:
Ms. Chelsey Brosious
Phone: 785-238-5921

June 2023
1 Corinthians 14:12b-13, 15b-16a, 17-20 - ... Since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. One who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret. ... I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also. Otherwise, ... you may be giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not being built up. I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue. Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature.
I have a dear friend who was thinking of leaving her church. She felt others had let her down. Her feelings were hurt, and she thought nobody cared. "Staying here is not helping me," she said. "I don't think I'm getting anything out of this church anymore."
I couldn't say she was wrong. People do hurt each other and even break their commitments—sometimes without even realizing it. And there are times when the best choice is to go elsewhere, for whatever reason, and figuring out what God wants you to do takes a lot of thought and prayer and the counsel of wise Christian friends. And yet I had to ask.
"You say you aren't getting anything out of church anymore and you can do without them," I said. "But what about the other half? Do you think you are finished with the work God put you in this church to do? Can they do without you?"
Because there are two parts to our interaction with other Christians, aren't there? There's what we get from them—preaching, teaching, communion, prayer, fellowship, concern, and love. But there's also what we give to them—and that's the bit it's so easy to forget about.
Paul says, "Strive to excel in building up the church .... In church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue." Whether you are ordained or a layperson, you have a role to play in the church. Some roles are very obvious: teacher, preacher, elder, trustee. Some roles get overlooked: garden weeder, food bank stocker, organizer of the potlucks. Some roles may be known to no one but you and God: caller of lonely people, distractor of toddlers while their parents take Communion, person who notices when someone is absent—and quietly checks up to see that they're okay.
And above all, there is the pray-er—the person who regularly, faithfully, and in complete privacy asks God to meet the needs of the church—to protect the weak, provide for the poor, comfort the grieving, and inspire those who teach and preach. The church cannot do without those who pray—those who come into God's presence asking Him to do what we cannot—to grow His church and to bring people to faith in Jesus.
No matter what your situation is, your presence is a blessing to the church. How could it be otherwise? You are a member of the body of Christ, and Jesus lives through you—the same Jesus who lay down His life for the church and for the whole world. The love that drove Him to the cross—the love that raised Him from the dead, and will raise you also—that love is living and alive in you, a blessing to those around you.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, live through me and use me to build up Your church in whatever way You see best. Amen.
This Daily Devotion was written by Dr. Kari Vo.

ECC Director Mrs. Chelsey
Looking for a Christian Early Childhood Center that seeks to share the love of Christ and care for Children? Then we might be the place for you.
Please call Immanuel ECC for more information on how to schedule an interview! 785-238-5921
Immanuel is a KDHE Licensed Childcare Center for children age 6 weeks up to 5th Grade. and our teachers are licensed with the State of Kansas Dept. of Ed. and hold degrees in Education.
Our staff is all trained in First Aid and various educational techniques. Immanuel accepts DCF childcare assistance and is a Child and Adult Care Food Program participant
Sunday Worship
All are welcome to join the Worship Service. We use an order of service that can be followed along in our hymnal or on the projected screen.
If you feel unsure, you can still wear a mask. We won't judge you.
From Ancient times the Church has noted that Holy Communion is for baptized Christians. It is also a confession of unity and faith when you commune with a Church Body; i.e. when you partake of the Eucharist you are saying publically that you are in doctrinal agreement with the Biblical teachings from the Bible and as explained in the Book of Concord-our confession of faith for the past 500 years.
Holy Communion is for members of the LCMS or Christians who have talked previously to the pastor. If you have questions about Holy Communion or how we worship you are encouraged to call the pastor who will answer any question.
If you would like more information on what we teach and believe you can visit our Church Body Website at:

$250 a week for children 6 weeks to 1 year of age.
$210 a week for children 1 year to 2 ½ years of age.
$175 a week for children 2 ½ years to 4 years of age.
$160 a week for children 4 years of age to kindergarten.
$150 a full week for children kindergarten to 5th grade.
$50 a week for afterschool care for kindergarten to 5th grade.
$35 a day for school agers who come when their school is closed.

Classes Offered
Regular School Hours:
Preschool for 3-year old's 8:30am-3:00pm
Pre-Kindergarten for 4-to-5-year old's 8:30am-3:00pm
Afterschool Program for School Agers 3:00pm-5:30pm
School Breaks for School Agers 6:30am-5:30pm
Childcare 6:30am-5:30pm


Making a Difference
Our mission at Immanuel Lutheran ECC (Early Child Care Center) is to lead children and their families to know and to love Jesus.
Our center was created to meet the needs of young children. Immanuel Lutheran offers a Christ-centered program to help each child develop as a person and as a child of God.
Why Immanuel ECC for your child?
Immanuel offers Christ-centered Education for young children.
Immanuel is a KDHE Licensed Childcare Center for children ages 6 weeks and up. and our teachers are licensed with the State of Kansas Dept. of Ed. and hold degrees in Education.
Our staff is all trained in First Aid and various educational techniques.
Immanuel accepts DCF childcare assistance and is a Child and Adult Care Food Program participant
Call our Director for enrollment info at: 785-238-5921
Community Involvement
Pastor McCall is a member of the Geary County Ministerial Association. An organization of community religious leaders and social services. We also support the local food pantry and can provide contact information for those in need
Other outreach and faith growth opportunities that we support or encourage:
Geary County Ministerial Association
6:30 am Saturday Men's Morning Bible Study Breakfast at Stacys
Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study
Ladies Quilters
Summer Home Bible Study
Community VBS
Operation Barnabus-Ministry to the Armed Forces and their families
Open Door
Sundown Salute Parade Float

What we believe from the Holy Bible
We believe in the Triune God. Scripture reveals that there is only one true God, not three gods, and He has revealed Himself in three distinct persons in one divine being. God the Father who created us, God the Son Jesus of Nazareth who redeemed us and God the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us.
We believe God created the world out of nothing by his almighty Word over a period of six, natural days.
We believe the Bible is inspired or "God-breathed" and wholly true. It is the Book above all books.
We believe that by a miracle of the Holy Spirit, the eternal God received a body in the virgin Mary. The name, Jesus, means "Savior." Jesus came to save all people form sin, death and eternal punishment. All who believe in Jesus alone receive forgiveness and eternal life.
We believe that God works through means to give His gifts of grace to people. These means of grace are the Word (Bible) and Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper). Through these means God gives forgiveness of sins, new power for daily living and the hope of eternal life.
We believe that God comes to us to give His gifts of grace each time we gather in His house of worship. As we come to worship and receive from God, we then have the opportunity to give back to God in our prayers, praises, and offerings.
We believe that there will be a Last Day when Jesus will return to judge all men. On that day there will be only two groups of people - those who placed their faith solely in Jesus for salvation and eternal life and those who rejected God's gracious invitation to trust Jesus for salvation and eternal life. Jesus will gather up those who believe and take them to heaven, and unbelievers will suffer punishment for eternity.
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This website has been funded by a generous grant from Lutheran Church Extension Fund

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Maundy Thursday 2020
Good Friday 2020
630 S Eisenhower Dr, Junction City, KS 66441, USA
(785) 238-6007